(325) 893-0069 info@flo-ritefluids.com

Paraffin Control

A mechanical method to prevent and eliminate paraffin and scale growth

Economic Benefits

Wells requiring costly chemical treatment or cleanout are candidates for Flo-Rite treatment. Flo-Rite’s low monthly rental includes delivery, maintenance, swap outs, and is guaranteed to lower your LOE.

Many costs may be eliminated or significantly reduced:

  • Cost of hot oil/water cleanouts
  • Cost of chemical prevention
  • Cost of wireline cutting
  • Cost of pump pulling and repair
  • Lost production prior to cleanout
  • Lost production during cleanout
  • The burdens of managing cleanouts and/or chemical injection
Comparative Cost Analysis Estimate
Monthly Annual
Hot Oil Service
$300 $3,600
Chemical Paraffin Prevention
$240 $2,880
Wireline Cutting
$4,000 x Each Occurrence
$4,000 $48,000
Pump Pulling & Repair
$8,500 x Each Time
$708 $8,500

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